Marijuana remains illegal under federal law. The Federal Government does not recognize marijuana to have any medicinal values. Marijuana sales and distributions are illegal under California law and Federal laws.
Weedid-it Collective Association marijuana collective is in accordance with California Attorney General Guidelines, California Health and Safety code 11362.5 and 11362.775, Proposition 215 and Senate Bill 420. The state of California and 17 US states, Canada, Spain, Portugal and other European Nations have passed laws allowing for the use of cannabis for medical marijuana patient programs; which allows people, with valid doctor’s recommendation, to use cannabis as medicinal remedies.
The California Attorney General has stated:

"It is the opinion of this Office that a properly organized and operated collective or cooperative that dispenses medical marijuana through a storefront may be lawful under California law, but that dispensaries that do not substantially comply with the guidelines set forth in sections , are likely operating outside the protections of Proposition 215 and the Medical Marijuana Program (SB 420), and that the individuals operating such entities may be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution under California law."
Business Forms (page 8): Any group that is collectively or
cooperatively cultivating and distributing marijuana for medical
purposes should be organized and operated in a manner that ensures the
security of the crop and safeguards against diversion for non-medical
purposes. The following are guidelines to help cooperatives and
collectives operate within the law, and to help law enforcement
determine whether they are doing so.
Weedid-it Collective Association does not promote illegal sales or use of
marijuana in any way. That is why we strongly urge you to take our
seminars to get the latest in developments in laws and news concerning
the Medical Marijuana Industry, call us today!!!
Weedid-it Collective Association promotes only non-profit Medical Marijuana
Businesses in areas where there is a need for compassion for the local
medical marijuana patient community. For-profit Medical Marijuana
Businesses are illegal and the only way to operate a Medical Marijuana
Business safely and legally is as a non-profit mutual benefit
corporation with articles of incorporation filled with the Secretary of
State of California.